Safe from harm

Animated clips of an NGO campaign for social media platforms.


Project concept

This digital campaign against gender-based violence (GBV) was a collaborative effort with an NGO team who worked closely together to get the message across effectively. Our task was to design a logo and create a collection of illustrations depicting a society that is united and is free of harm. The illustrations, presented from a first-person perspective, were intended to evoke empathy in the viewer and deepen their understanding of the challenges faced by victims.

To complement these images, we also produced a series of concise videos tailored specifically for social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. These videos maintain the integrity of the brand identity while aligning with the overall campaign objectives and messaging. View the full video on Vimeo.

  • Safe from Harm
  • Produced and animated by: Eurisco Design Studio.
  • Running time: 1:40 minutes
  • Links: full video on Vimeo.
  • Showcase: Link to all videos on Vimeo.

Need storytelling clips for your
campaign on social media?

Grab the attention of the right person with eye-catching clips or short animated videos. We can certainly help you with this.

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