My Body, My Rights

Illustrative storytelling and animation for an NGO campaign.


Project concept

Creating illustrations for an NGO campaign requires a combination of creativity, strategic thinking and effective communication. This multidisciplinary project, which includes brand, web and editorial design, focuses on the art of illustrative storytelling.

Working closely with the client, we embarked on a creative journey to develop Illustrations that vividly capture the essence of the narrative, immersing the viewer in the story’s atmosphere. These dynamic visuals were brought to life through animation, adding a vibrant and dynamic energy to the campaign.

Chapter 1: Main character family

Chapter 3: father and son

Chapter 2: doctor and patient

Chapter 1: Main character family

Chapter 3: “Roma neighborhood” landscape

Chapter 1: “Slum” landscape

Chapter 5: “Slum” landscape

Chapter 1: Women in community scene

Chapter 5: Roma women

Chapter 7: “Politician” character

Following pictures:

  • Some examples of video art direction

Need storytelling design for
your NGO campaign?

Inspire change through powerful visual storytelling. As a seasoned, versatile team skilled in various creative disciplines and with a strong foundation in art and illustration, we are here to support you at every step.

Simply click below to share your needs, and we’ll provide a customised quote that aligns with your objectives, timeframe and budget – free of charge and with no obligation.