Everyone deserves an equal chance

Cartoon-like illustration for an NGO campaign about inequalities.


Project concept

The “Everybody deserves an equal chance” campaign, involved an animation project that sought to present important information in an enjoyable and captivating way. The focus of the project was on the illustration side and storytelling techniques employed to effectively convey the message. Through the use of cartoon-like illustrations, the animation aims to create an immersive and engaging experience for the audience. View the full video and full serie on Vimeo.

  • Everybody deserves an equal chance
  • Produced and animated by: Eurisco Design Studio.
  • Music: “Warm Summer Music Kit” by Pink Zebra
  • Running time: 5:03 minutes
  • Links: Full video and full serie on Vimeo.

Main character

“Pharmacist” character

“Old lady” character

Support character

“Gambling” scene

“EU” Slot machine

“EU” Playing cards

“NO” scene

Simple backgrounds

Support characters

Following pictures:

  • Some examples of typographical use

“Big hands” goverments

“Caveman” and “Liberty woman” icons

Following pictures:

  • Some examples of video art direction

Looking for animated video production
for your NGO campaign?

We can certainly help you. With a solid background in art, illustration, design and storytelling, our technical expertise and creativity allow us to deliver versatile and evocative visual content.

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